Come on. Really? By now, you've heard of, or seen, or know somebody who's seen "Precious". In a nutshell, it's the story of the most unfortunate Black Girl ever. For starters, she's been raped by her former inmate Dad since she was three. Her invalid mother let it happen. A buncha times. She has two kids by her father, the oldest of which has down syndrome. As a result of inbreeding. Because her Dad raped her. When she was three. She can't read. She lives off of the state. She tries time and time again to crawl out of the hole that is her life, but things just can't seem to shake out for her. And the movie ends with her finding out she's HIV positive. From her father. Who raped her. Repeatedly. Over the course of her entire life. Did I mention she's terrible unattractive (not a slight on the actress, but this is what she was projected to be)and obese?
So, even with all of the terrible things I've just explained, you may still be asking, what's the problem? The problem is that these are the movies that are touted as "examples on Black achievement" and "groundbreaking work". I have the same issue with this piece of garbage i had with "Crash" reading the academy award for best picture: We know Black people struggle, and we know racism is rampant. Why is it every time these things are brought to the forefront, is some type of cinematic achievement? What a load of crap. The day after Thanksgiving, my parents took my sister and their God-children to see this flick. Clearly, this wasn't a movie for kids. But let God-awful Tyler Perry and my favorite tyrant Oprah's stamp of approval on it, and Bam! black people come out in droves to see it.
Newsflash: Kayne was wrong. It's Tyler Perry that doesn't care about Black people. His movies explore the worst parts of our culture, and use religion as the protagonist, rarely the people involved. And if there is a protagonist, it's either a Woman, or Shemarr Moore. SMH.
Which brings us to another HUGE problem with the film: All the bad characters were Dark Skinned, and the noble, selfless characters were light skinned! Mariah Carey, Lenny Kravitz and her dream boyfriend were all on the lighter side of the spectrum and they all valued Precious and wanted what was best for her, and every Dark Skinned person of note wanted to use her up. Come on! Why hasn't there been more outrage over this crap?
This guy Perry's got a stranglehold on Black Entertainment, and gives us either Minstrel Shows or Ethnic Snuff films. I for one, will only bootleg his stuff... and won't let any of my non-black friends, or anyone younger than me watch it with me.
Oh yeah, and Fuck Oprah. Sorry. Couldn't help myself.