Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Fan X Fan Show - CW's "The Flash" (Season 2, Episode 9)

SHOUT OUT TO CHUCK TAYLOR FOR THE NEW COVER ART!!! It's Christmas time in Central City, and the rogues gallery is dropping bombs on Santa and his entire stable of ho ho hos! Weather Wizard and the Trickster look to put a damper on Flash's holiday cheer, with Captain Cold providing much needed hot cocoa commentary! A lost son shows up, a lost daughter shows up, and our lead couple both address long gestating problems in their own lives. Arrow action figures seem to be in strong demand, and Wells sways votes in the heated drone delivery debate! Zoom goes all Latrell Sprewell on us, we talk about dwarf on store detective overkill, and GLASS EYED JOE IS ALL HIS GLORY PEAKS! With this being the mid season finale, we plot out our plans for the next few weeks (shows are still coming folks). One involves a lady that drinks wild turkey straight out the bottle (bae status) and the other is about administrator Shang Tsung's magic necklace!!!! We spill the beans on a looming milestone, and romanticize about being holiday drunks! Season's Speedings!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Fan X Fan Show - CW's "Arrow" (Flash Crossover Episode)

SPECIAL CROSSOVER EPISODE!!! Sorry, I was the kid who loved when Robin AND Batgirl showed up on the old shows... Trav and I talk this week's "Arrow", as the team up with our Flash Cast to defend people with wings against a guy who takes credit for all the dope things that happened throughout history.  We try to wrap our heads around this universe's time travel rules, I try to get Trav to understand Kendra already gave up the box to Cisco, and we both try not to blow a basket over the white Egyptian ruling class.  There's a little despot attempted rape, mineral collecting, and we turn our he-man woman hater powers toward a certain baby momma.  AND I get to explain a he-man joke Trav missed (DOUBLE HE MAN!)  All this, getting a warranty for your work gloves, keeping your girlfriend "happy", and Oliver being player/ coach of the year on this week's deluxe Fan x Fan Show!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Fan X Fan Show - CW's "The Flash" (Season 2, Episode 8)

Before we get into the greatness that was "Legends of Today", we tell you what we did yesterda.... uh. that last two weeks, as we didn't have an episode to cover.  Travis (@travlord) is enamored with the alternate WW2 outcome universe show "The Man in the High Castle", and I talk about my love affair with "Fargo".  We talk BRIEFLY on "Marvel's Jessica Jones", as we intend to really go in on i this weekend.  After some fun discussion, we get into the heart of this week's episode.  We try to rationalize a hot, ambiguously ethnic reincarnated priestess residing in Wisconsin, the guy who gave Abraham the match for the burning bush and possibly told King Arthur "let's make the table round, and how shooting folks holding what LOOKS like a gun is even bad for fictional cops.  I'm admittedly WAY behind on "Arrow", so there were welcome surprises from Ollie, Speedy, Felicity and the crew.  Also - BABY MOMMA DRAMA is on deck!  All this, and Carter "Mr. Steal yo Girl" Hall on this week's Fan x Fan show!