Thursday, March 24, 2016

Fan X Fan Show: Spring Break #1

We're doing the very best we can to fight off speedster withdrawal!  It's something of a spring break, as we'll have a three week gap before the next new episode of 'The Flash'.  Luckily, Travis finally decided he actually does things between podcasts, so you get to hear all about our exciting weeks!  Trav finally saw 'Deadpool', so we get to talk broken ankles, CGI done right, and all the inside jokes he didn't realize were happening!  I ask him once and for all if that's an appropriate film for the Cam Jr.'s and Trav Jr.'s of the world (the answer is no) and I try to sell him on the McAvoy/Fassbender X-Films.  He talks all about the awesomeness that is Philly's Amalgam Comics, 'The Ultimates', and 29 Days of BlackCosplay!  I threw a WILD pizza party for a bunch of 9 year olds.  No joke behind that, that's really what happened.  I'll tell you about their love of cheese pizza and spitballs.  Also, the LONG AWAITED second 'South Kongress' Podcast episode drops this weekend, and I'll preview a heart to heart conversation built on vodka, tears and trap music.  After we all of that, we start our two part conversation about the surprise hit show, 'Legends of Tomorrow' by detailing the different characters and their motivations.  Flash may be on break, but one (physics shattering) monkey don't stop no show!!!

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