Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The South Kongress Podcast Fan x Fan Show: 'The Flash' 303 - "Magenta"

Episode Highlights:

- Travis and I debunk the "Locker Room Talk"  BS that's been going around

- My Episode of 'Nneka the Uber Driver' is out!  Please watch and Share!

- Trav's first month or so in Austin, and the horror that is rush hour

- Burger x wine, cuz we're fancy

- How "Flashpoint" has affected the different characters so far

- Earth 2 not being affected by "Flashpoint" and Wells picking up on that early

- Magenta, Magneto, and my love for 'The Craft'

- Wally trying to jumpstart his powers, and revisiting 'Deadpool'

- Jessie getting... Quick

- Keeping the spark in your super powered relationship

- Magenta being all powerful, but like 15

- What's Alchemy's game, and why does he know things have changed?

- Jessie's costume is THAT FIRE


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