Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Coming to terms...

What's really goin' on? The last few months have been crazy, so crazy that I've all but neglected the three of you who check this page for updates. Hopefully you will forgive me in time. I feel like personally, professionally and hell, even artistically, I've grown by leaps and bounds. But enough about the silly shit, what's been happening in this world of ours? My Black President hasn't done anything wrong, and for lots of folks not doing bad doesn't equal doing good. M opinion is that dude had very little room for error based on what he had to work with, but I'm not gonna fault anyone for NOT fuckin' up.
Then we got these boys out in Israel, losin' their goddamn minds, killin' everything in sight and actin' like things are supposed to be gravy. Someone email me a list of the things, products or otherwise that Israel makes, sells, etc. and I'll cut em' out of my wallet as well as my vocabulary.

Ol' punk-ass Kobe finally got his ring, and I'm applaud hard work, like we all should. Out of respect, that fact that he's a selfish, loudmouthed inconsiderate brat will come second to the fact that he is the most driven, determined entity in sports. Here's to you champ!

Chris Brown got a slap on the wrist for two-piecing his beau, and things seem to suggest she said, or did something harsh enough to push dude over the edge. Still wasn't ok,at all, but well, what's done is done... He wouldn't get away with puttin' his hands on any bitch I know, but that goes without saying...
So, just a few quick thoughts... I'm back at it folks, catch you o nthe flip.

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