Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Guest Blog - The Resume Test

The Resume Test

(as a kind of sister post, let's not forget about this gem - An 87 Point Manifesto on what (name redacted) is Looking For in a Man)

Dating can be a strenuous affair, and is an endeavor that shouldn’t be taken lightly.  However, in our attempts to find our optimum partner, there is a tendency to veer towards the lane of the absurd.  We all possess a friend that has a list of needs/desires for their prospective partners longer than the terms of agreements of Xbox Live.  Perfect height, weight, credit score, career, bone structure, educational status, family background, dieting habits, etc.  Of course the defense mechanism is that standards must be met when making such an important decision, and that settling for a partner is akin to short changing your own worth.  Fair enough, so long as people are reasonable in their terms.  Problems arise due to the fact that reason, love & ego form a triangle of discord when it comes to our dating desires.  In an attempt to lead individuals towards the proper path, I tell them to apply to resume test.

The test is simple - think of all the qualities that are important aspects of your life.  It can be physical attributes, job status, education, personality traits, credit score….anything that you feel defines your persona.  Make a mental resume, listing all of these traits.  Now imagine meeting a prospective partner with this resume.  If they approached you, would you give them the time of day?  Would their qualifications fit your needs and desires?  Or would you push them to the “non-qualified/don’t respond” folder in an attempt to find a better prospect.  Think about how you answer that the next time you present your list of demands.  We all want to capture our dream partner, but we have to be realistic in our desires and our ability to to attract and ensnare that premium prospect.  Fellas - there’s nothing wrong with wanting a woman with the physique of a video model, the cooking skills of a house slave, the education of a scholar, and the temperament of your Madden partner.  But you have to bring enough to the table to give that angel a reason to descend from the heavens.  For the lady desiring the Essence model home owner with the multiple degrees, premium credit score, high income career and porn star sexual skills, you have to look in the mirror and determine how you would stand above a sea of competition to snatch Mr. Wonderful.  Not saying its impossible, but it takes a plethora of skill to get a Mercedes Benz with Kia credit - more skill than most individuals possess.  How we present and view ourselves is paramount to what we can accomplish in our lives.  So before you dive in the dating pool, make sure you wear your no fronting life vest.

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