Friday, February 5, 2016

Fan X Fan Show: 'The Flash' 211 - "The Reverse Flash Returns"

Reverse Flash is back!  From the future!  Again!  For another ti... you get the picture.  We get to live the genesis of Thawne discovering the present day Flash as Barry deals with his own time issues, most notably Patty's last few days in Central City.  She's not the only one on borrowed time, as Francine's McGregor's gets closer to terminal status.  Cisco has stunner shades that help him to control his powers, but at what cost?  And we get to see what happens when you go visit your grandparents over the summer and have a thing or two to show your schoolyard bully when you get home.  Oh, and some guy named Hunter Zolomon appears.  We talk "Legends of Tomorrow", Superman's cleaning bill, and why if you include the homies in your lie, TELL THE HOMIES RIGHT AWAY!  All this and more on this week's Fan x Fan!

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